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MMD > Archives > April 1999 > 1999.04.28 > 06Prev  Next

Seek Keytop Trimming Machine
By D. L. Bullock

I, too, am looking for a keytop machine.  I do not know what brands
there are or if anyone makes new ones.  I have seen one that used a
hobbyists table saw with a 4- or 5-inch blade and a couple of well-made
jigs.  Does anyone have such a device for sale, or would anyone have
experience making one?

The one I saw used a jig and the small saw blade to take down and square
the top surface of the wood key, and a different jig and the same saw-
blade to make the notch parallel to the front of the sharps.  The final
cleanup was made by the 1-inch belt sander which I already have.  I am
open to this or better designs if anyone has one.

D. L. Bullock    Piano World    St. Louis

(Message sent Wed 28 Apr 1999, 07:50:47 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Keytop, Machine, Seek, Trimming

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