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Aeolian Harps & Paper Organ Pipes
By Dave Norris

Seek Book "Amateur Work, Illustrated"

Re: "Aeolian accompaniment" from "Uncle Tom's Cabin": Could it be that
she had an Aeolian Harp placed in a nearby window?

This was a box made to fit the entire width of window sill, and upon
which the window sash was pulled down to make a wind tunnel, as both
long sides of the box were open.  Within the box was a soundboard with
tuned strings.  When a breeze crossed the strings a humming sound
occurred.  Harpists among us have experienced the same slightly eerie
effect when playing out of door on windy days.

Plans for making both single- and double action Aeolian harps appear
on pages 101-102 of the fascinating book, "Victorian Do-It Yourself
-- Handicrafts and Pastimes of the 1880s", by E. J. Wiseman (David &
Charles, Publishers - 1976).  This book is largely reprints of a Vic-
torian periodical, "Amateur Work, Illustrated", published in the UK
from 1881-91.  Also included are rather naive plans for making a piano,
and, especially interesting, a multi-rank pipe organ with all pipes
made of paper.

Would any of our UK-based friends know how I could get photocopies of
the original "Amateur Work, Illustrated"?  The sections reprinted in
Wiseman's book are incomplete, giving only a taste of the various
projects.  Any clues as to a UK research service would be much
appreciated; should I try the V&A?

 [ Perchance would "V&A" be the Victoria and Albert Museum?  -- Robbie

David Norris

(Message sent Wed 28 Apr 1999, 22:26:58 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Aeolian, Harps, Organ, Paper, Pipes

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