Hi gang, I was out of town for a week or so and looked forward to
returning to two weeks of the daily MMD. To my dismay, there were
no issues of the MMD in my mailbox. Both Jody and Robbie called with
the solution.
You may remember my frustration with spam in my mailbox several years
ago. Since then, I have allowed only certain specific addresses,
including MMD, to pass through the filters. However, Jody and Robbie
pointed out that some ISP's alter the specific sending addresses from
MMD and these may not pass through a filter, such as used by AOL.
If you are filtering your incoming mail and are missing issues of MMD,
you may wish to do the following:
Continue to pass specific addresses concerning MMD but also allow any
messages from the foxtail.com domain to pass through your filter. It
worked like a charm for me and came from the "experts", Jody and
Rick Cooley
[ That experience was frustrating for all of us, because the email
[ from <rollreq@foxtail.com> was also rejected. We couldn't commun-
[ icate except via telephone! So please, if you suspect a problem
[ like Rick had, send your telephone number to Jody. -- Robbie