I need information on the Organ Festival in Waldkirch, Germany.
I had the data, but have misplaced it. Can someone send me the dates,
times, etc.
Shirley Nix
[ Wolfgang Brommer reported recently in MMD:
[ "The Sixth International Organ Festival will take place 11-13 June
[ 1999 in Waldkirch, Germany, in the Black Forest not far from
[ Freiburg. More than 120 organs will perform... June 12 and 13
[ will be "Open Door" at the factory of Jaeger & Brommer, and Saturday
[ evening will be a big 'Orglerfest' party: hear the world's biggest
[ mobile concert organ, and the 'Waldkirch Salon-Orchestra!' All
[ friends are welcome!" There is certain to be more information at
[ http://www.t-online.de/home/jaegerbrommer
[ -- Robbie