Robbie - this title you put on my last post:
Subject: Themodist Rolls Made for Choralion by Hupfeld
It should have read (as you'd know if you paid proper attention !):
Subject: Themodist Rolls Made for Choralion by "SM"
John has asked me (he ought to have copied to you but didn't),
"Can you tell me what SM and EMP stand for?"
No-one seems to know about SM (who put out rolls in England as well)
but it's supposed in lieu of firm evidence any other way that it's Sa
Majeste' (E with acute accent, in case that doesn't come through to
you), French having a similar cachet in Germany to that in England.
EMP was certainly Editions Musicales Perforees who were based in Paris.
There is a family resemblance between SM labels and the Empeco ones
found in Australia, but no-one seems to have researched the actual
company connections, if any. Empeco rolls are totally unknown in
The SM/EMP connection is inferred from the roll label similarities:
I don't know of any firm evidence connecting the makes otherwise. EMP
did not market anything in Great Britain under their own name and it's
always been supposed that the German SM rolls, which are common here
but slightly less so than Hupfeld/Animatic rolls, represent their
interest in GB.
Dan Wilson, London
[ Dan, the subject you suggested yesterday was "Re: 990413 MMDigest",
[ and the subject you gave for this letter was "Re: 990414 MMDigest".
[ I know nothing about SM; without an indicative subject I guess as
[ best I can. I won't try to guess who John is. ;) -- Robbie