I've been quite tempted to selling some of the "extra" pipe organ pipes
I have on eBay (about 9 ranks worth!) At $20 each that would make a
tiding sum!
I doubt that the pipe you purchased would work on the barrel organ.
I have not measured the pressure on the barrel organ I have, but would
guess that it is only about 2" or less. Typical (not all) church pipe
organs seem to run on 4 -6 ", at least for the flue pipes. Theater
pipes usually run high. Reeds can be much higher. So that pipe you
got will probably not speak well.
Voicing is something I do not know how to do. It is an art apparently
passed on through apprenticeship. I do know that a higher winded pipe
will have a higher cut mouth. It is difficult, therefore, to lower the
mouth to put the pipe on lower wind pressure, i.e., you need to add wood.
I'm not saying that this can't be done. It just difficult. You can
open the hole in the foot to allow more wind in and adjust the width
of the air passage and how the wind is directed to the upper lip.
Although all pipes are "hand finished" I would think that the final
product should look good. Sounds like you got a pretty cheaply made
pipe or one that was "voiced" by an untrained person.
Let me know if I can be of any help. If you need some missing pipes
for the barrel organ I do have a source.
Jim Quashnock