Hello all, hopefully somebody can help me out on this one. A few
months back I purchased a deluxe auto unit for my 1914 George Steck
Pianola. I had a piano tech install the device, but no matter what
he did, could not get the auto rewind to pull far enough to engage
into rewind.
The problem is, that this particular piano doesn't have just play and
rewind. It also has a "silent" mode. Play being to the far right,
silent in the middle, and rewind to the left. When the auto rewind
"kicks" in, it only goes as far as "silent", thus continuing the roll
in a play mode, but much faster.
I did speak to John Tuttle about this after I had purchased the unit,
but either I did not quite understand what he was talking about to
remedy the situation. Needless, to say, the tech gave up on trying
to get this to operate quite a while ago. Any help on this one will
be greatly appreciated!!
Reyah Carlson
Oxnard, California
[ There was a related thread in February 1999. Check the MMD
[ Archives for key words "reroll" and "rewind", and the articles
[ "Reroll Pneumatic in PPCo. Full Automation Kit" -- Robbie