Peter, You have roll O-113. Tunes are:
1. Then I'll Be Happy
2. Paddlin' Madeline Home
3. Down By The Winegar Woiks
4. I Never Knew
5. I Wonder Where My Baby Is Tonight
6. Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue
7. Ain't She Sweet
8. Mary Lou
9. Spanish Shawl
10. Don't Wait Too Long
It is listed in Paul Gottschalk's catalog as a "composite," which
means that either Durrell Armstrong, who started the series, or the
Gottschalks put together ten tunes from various original rolls.
The composers and dates on the tunes, as far as I can determine them
from my Wurlitzer roll catalogs, are
1. Cliff Friend. Nov. 21, 1925. By the way, the full title is
"(I Wanna Go Where You Go - Do What You Do) Then I'll Be Happy"
2. Harry Woods. Aug. 4, 1925 (accurately: Paddlin' Madelin' Home)
3. Bestor, Lewis & Donovan. Oct. 15, 1925
4. Ted Fiorito. Oct. 5, 1925
7. (assuming "Ain't She Sweet" is really "That Certain Party"):
Walter Donaldson. Oct. 27, 1925
Matthew Caulfield