Thanks to Craig Brougher for his advice on speeding up a damper pneu-
matic [990226 MMDigest]. It had exhibited a slower response than the
roll makers seemed to expect, since it applied and released a little
slowly, therefore a little late, but enough to require me to turn OFF
the auto damper on some rolls.
The advice was right on the mark. To speed up the operation of the
pneumatic, I did the following:
- increased the movement of the four damper pneumatic valves using a
suede gasket spacer (the pouches already had plenty of dish in them).
- widened the single bleed hole by about 25% using a #59 drill bit.
(I think the relationship between flow (resistance) and hole diameter
is a 4th power relationship, so I was concerned about over-bleeding).
- adjusted the pneumatic to raise the dampers only at the end of the
pneumatics travel, resulting in a faster recovery.
I am very happy with the results. Thanks Craig.
Larry Toto