I attended the Intercession City, Florida, auction of Harold and Ione
Staie's musical collection. It was nice to see some friendly faces
I knew there, including several members of the MBSI and this list.
Naturally, I hoped they wouldn't bid against me.
The sale was well handled by Stanton's, who came all the way from
Michigan. Thankfully, the auctioneer didn't play everything before
selling it! Many phonographs and records were sold, but I won't list
those. Here are some results:
French Serinette ("Bird Organ") with one rank of pewter pipes.
Original finish and tune card. Played well: $1800.
Regina 15-1/2" double-comb box (long bedplate) on stand: $8500.
20 15-1/2" Regina discs: $10. each
Regina double-comb bed plate from a 21" box. No broken teeth: $1050.
Several Celestina organettes: $600, $2100 (perfect stencils bring big
bucks, I guess!)
Other roller organs brought around $350-$500.
Mira 6-3/4" disc box. Looked nice, but didn't play: $750.
Keith, Prowse & Co. Hicks-style barrel piano: $1800. (to yours truly)
Seeburg E with xylo. (playing rather well) $3900.
Seeburg B (I think): $3900.
Spanish barrel piano on cart (full size): $1000.
12 Unrestored foot-pump player pianos
(most stripped of finish): $40-$100
Bruder Fairground organ (playing B.A.B. rolls on blower; bellows &
keyframe missing): $17,000. (bought back by owner).
Hupfeld Animatic Clavitist piano (no other instruments);
played well: $2,000.
Built-up "Wurlitzer" band organ playing 125 rolls.
Some new, some old: $7250.
Big fancy music cabinet with lots of carving: $6700.
Aeolian Orchestrelle (model V or W), playing: $3500.
(50 Grand rolls: $10. each)
Restored (though not re-strung) Baldwin Welte 5'8" with cabriole
legs: $17500.
Thousands of rolls were sold, mostly for low prices. New Play-Rites
went for $0.50 to $2.00 each, 65-note rolls were mostly $1.00. Loads
of old 88-note rolls sold for $0..10 to $2.00 each. Reproducing rolls
(originals and recuts) sold at around $1.00 to $4.00 each. I didn't
follow the nickelodeon/organ rolls, but they seemed to go on the low
Your correspondent limped away with 17 boxes of assorted rolls,
including all the Hupfeld Animatic rolls (which, for some reason,
the buyer of the Hupfeld didn't bid on). Everything was shipped back
via U.P.S. except my barrel piano which the airline took as baggage.
Maybe I was lucky not to get that Hupfeld!
Philip Jamison West Chester, Pennsylvania
P.S. It was 85 degrees F.!