49-Key Marenghi of Wookey Hole Caves, Somerset
By Tim Blyth
I am currently overhauling for a customer the 49-key Marenghi that
was at Wookey Hole Caves in Somerset, England. On one of the side
cases is written "De Tweelings Orgel" (The Twins Organ) which seems
to indicate that at one time it was in Holland. Prior to it belonging
to Wookey Hole it was in the ownership of Tom Fisher and before that
WJ Barlow of Cleobury Mortimer, both in the UK.
I would be very grateful if any readers in mainland Europe (or
elsewhere) could give me further details and pictures if possible.
The owner is keen to have a full history of his instrument.
Tim Blyth
(Message sent Sat 6 Feb 1999, 14:33:38 GMT, from time zone GMT.) |