A new player piano is discussed in the February issue of the Music
Trades Magazine. Meisel Industries has developed a new patent pending
technology that will make difficult and unsightly installations a thing
of the past.
The new system features the player piano solenoids within the key and
back actions of both upright and grand pianos. No more solenoid box
hanging from the keybed. No more butchering of the keybed, according
to David Meisel.
Meisel Industries is now seeking O.E.M. suppliers and piano manufac-
turers who are interested in the installation of the system.
Meisel Industries, Troy, Michigan
Tel.: 248-362-3276
Also in this issue the Yamaha Disklavier marks its 10th year in the
U.S. Some statistics for you so inclined. Traditional piano sales
for most of the past two decades have been on the decline, peaking at
275,600 units in 1979 and falling to 84,356 units in 1996. Today the
Disklavier represents 10% of the total retail dollars spent on pianos.
Don Teach, Shreveport Music Co
1610 E. Bert Kouns, Shreveport, LA 71105