In the last MMDigest, Philip Jamison asks about the addresses of two
German museums, one of which, actually is in my listing of 200 museums
in the web site Musica Mecanica (So, Philip, did you look real closely
at the www? :-), and the other one is not, which I am sorry for !
Philip Jamison writes:
> I saw photographs of some Ignatz Bruder barrel organs in the book,
> "Drehorgeln, Schaurig-Schon," which was published in conjunction with
> an exhibition at The Museum of Mechanical Instruments in Bruchsal,
> Germany.
Actually, unless I am mistaken, the Bruchsal Museum is a subsidiary
of the Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe, and the mechanical music
instruments figured in the catalogue are in Bruchsal. The address
of the Bruchsal Museum (listed in Musica Mecanica) is
Badisches Landesmuseum, Museum mechanischer Musikinstrumente,
Collection Jan Brauers, Schloss Bruchsal, 76646 Bruchsal. Germany
Tel.: + 49 (0)7251/742661
As for Gera, it is a German city about 40 miles south of Leipzig,
with more than 120,000 inhabitants. Sorry, I do not know more ...
and I would like to (because the barrel organ figured in the catalog
"Traurig-Schoen" is beautiful) !
Best regards,
Philippe Rouille (Paris, France)
[ I have a 1996 brochure which says that Badisches Landesmuseum
[ Karlsruhe (the Baden State Museum) is actually seven museums in
[ five different cities; Schloss Bruchsal houses the collection
[ of mechanical musical instruments. The main office is
[ Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe
[ Schloss
[ D-76131 Karlsruhe
[ Fax: 0721-926-6537 or 0721-926-6549
[ -- Robbie