Robbie, thank you for proof reading my message to the MMD. You
could not read (\)? (\) is Japanese yen. I have learned that (\) is
not international. For me, I could not read the "umlaut" of German and
"accent aigu" and "accent grave" in the e-mail to me from some friends
of MMD. We Japanese call this problem "character-phantom".
[ MMDigest is transmitted using only the 7-bit characters, so the
[ German u-umlaut is expressed as "ue", and the Great Britain currency
[ sign as GBP or =L=, etc. We can use =Y= for Japanese yen.
[ Very soon (I hope) Jody will fix the MMD mailing system so that MIME
[ and Quoted Printable (QP) encoding are available. Then MMDigest can
[ use the 8-bit ISO-8859-1 character set, which is now the native set
[ in Windows 95/98. -- Robbie
Mr. Philippe Rouille asked me to check his listing for mechanical music
museums in Japan, and I have rewritten the listing and sent it to him.
I said in 990108 MMDigest that there are over 30 museums in Japan of
this kind.
We members of the MBSI Japanese International Chapter have just started
to make an accurate database of mechanical musical instruments museums
in Japan. I think it will take a long time to complete, but when we
finish I would like to send it to Mr. Rouille, MMD, MBSI and so on.
Cheers, Kazuo
Kazuo Murakami
Otsu, Japan
[ We'll be happy to help you publish the list and to send it on
[ to all the others. That's a worthwhile project. -- Robbie