I have a piano store and restoration shop and we sell Samick pianos
made in Korea. Since the mid-1980's D. H. Baldwin pianos have been
made by Samick. Wurlitzer grands and perhaps verticals are also made
by Samick.
As a rule the best pianos made in that factory are the ones with the
Samick name on them, as the company is required to cut corners and
satisfy the price requirements and specifications of the purchaser of
the stencil pianos being made [for sale under other names].
The stencil piano is a long American tradition, as many of the piano
brands we find made in the twenties were made in one factory but bear
the name of another brand that did not actually have a factory.
Baldwin pianos that bear the name Baldwin or Hamilton are actually made
in Truman, Arkansas, with the action parts made in Mexico by Pratt-Win,
across the river from El Paso TX.
D. L. Bullock Piano World St. Louis