I was sent this this morning. Does anyone have a spare
[steam] calliope that needs a new home? Reply to Dr. Rochat at
Nelson E. Denton
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From: eric.rochat@bluewin.ch (Eric Rochat)(fwd)
To: ndenton434@bigwave.ca
Subject: looking for a "stem organ" or calliope
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 23:49:09 +0100
Dear Mr. Denton, Let me introduce myself. I live by the Geneva Lake,
one of the largest and most beautiful lakes in Europe. We are very
proud about our numerous steamers.
I was always interested in building a steam organ on a steamer, and
many people could be interested in that (acoustic engineer, steamer
owner, banker, etc.). Unfortunately it is very difficult to find a
way to obtain such an instrument, or the plans to build a new one.
Do you know who could help me?
Many thanks.
Dr. Eric Rochat, member of the Swiss Senate