To the active contributors to this list: We, who during the past
year have read of your antics, frantics, high jinks and other "inter-
esting" activities have my congratulations for providing the rest of us
(who are bereft* of the opportunity to brag, however subtly, about our
mechanical music contrivances) with a great deal of entertainment.
You have also unselfishly provided us with the wonderful sound of your
wonderful machines, and I can only wish that you'll provide even more
music during the course of this new year.
Oh, yes, Happy New Year to all.
Being a member of this listserv is an absolute scream...
Steve Patterson
[ * bereft = bereaved or deprived; one is "bereft of hope and
[ strength". Thanks for the kudos, Steve, but don't let your bereft
[ state keep you from writing to MMD -- you can rave about the
[ instruments you would _like_ to own! ;) -- Robbie