Devon Hollingsworth wrote, "Thanks to Joyce Brite who mentioned the
music boxes that were being sold by K-mart! ..."
You're welcome, Devon! I'm glad you're enjoying those musical goodies!
Too bad the musical chip on your big carousel doesn't work because it
sounds great on mine. (Yes, I went back and got the big carousel on
I also found another music box item at their competitor's store,
Wal-Mart. A little more than a week before Christmas, I went there to
get some dog food and stopped by the Christmas section. Imagine my
surprise when I saw an old-style music box on the shelf! This was a
wooden box with a continuous thin cardboard roll of 15 songs.
The roll appeared to be about 24 notes wide. The cardboard box said,
"Wooden style music box plays 15 Christmas songs in player piano
style..." Price was $59.95. I pressed the button to make it play but
the roll was jammed somehow. The plastic housing over the metal parts
was screwed down and there was no way for me to open the box and have
a look without purchasing it.
The sad thing is, customers could not hear this box play because the
roll was jammed. Also, because it was a cheaply-made box (in China)
and not working, people who don't know anything about music boxes may
assume that they're all this cheaply made.
The good news is, this damaged display model was the last one on the
shelf. All the others had been sold. I returned to the store a few
days before Christmas and the damaged display model was also gone!
There is interest in music boxes! :-)
Joyce Brite
Player Piano and Mechanical Music Exchange
[ I wonder if this box is a tiny reed organ, copied from the little
[ roller organs made in Japan, which were copies of the Gem Roller
[ Organ?! -- Robbie