Booklet on Reginald Reynolds
By Malcolm Cole
Reginald Reynolds "The Paderewski of the Player Piano"
Dan Wilson Introduced our new booklet in MMD Digest 981218. It is
a 56-page booklet size approx. 8 by 6 inches with 10 different articles
devoted to Reynolds and appropriate items.
There are eight different photographs of Reynolds at the Duo-Art "edit-
ing desk" with various pianists and his reminisces of working with
those people. We have included the important booklet that the Aeolian
Company issued to accompany the Themodist Practice Roll which is
reasonably common and well worth using. Reynolds wrote this article
so that people new to the Pianola could get off on the right foot (so
to speak).
We will be giving details of the price of this booklet and how to
obtain it in a later Digest. Once you have read this booklet you'll
be devoted to the Pianola as never before! And we hope that Reynolds
wonderful enthusiasm will shine through.
Malcolm Cole
Player Piano Group, London.
(Message sent Sat 19 Dec 1998, 13:24:48 GMT, from time zone GMT.) |