Last Sunday I "overheard" a Porter Swan Elite II musical box performing
Christmas music, so naturally I came out of the store with CDs in hand.
One (the first one listed) seems better-recorded than the other,
although both sound good through my Klipschorn loudspeakers. My wife
wants the musical box, of course, but that's another story...
Here's what I bought: "Music Box Christmas", PMBD 18, and "Music Box
Old Fashioned Christmas", PMBD 46.
As far as availability, here's a link that I found using Alta Vista.
In addition to CDs and music boxes, they have sample WAV files.
The notes accompanying the CDs briefly discuss the Porter Music Box
Company and its museum and gift shop in Randolph, VT. Does anyone
have more information or experience about this company and its
Steve McCollum