I've been recently cleaning up a Reed-Pipe Clariona, and find that
I do not know a title of the first song on one of the rolls, as the
leader is missing. Might someone have the same roll or a catalog that
might list the song title? The other titles on the roll are "All the
Way My Saviour Leads", "Nearer My God to Thee", "I Need Thee Every
Hour", "Only an Armor Bearer", "Greenville", and "America".
Also, I have a question about the "Reed-Pipe" assembly: According
to appearance, with the crank on the right, label to front, and lower
reeds on the left, I would guess that the pipes would fit on top with
the hinges to the rear, so as to read the label from the front when
opened. This is as pictured in Bowers Encyclopedia on page 768.
But that means that the long pipes correspond to the high-pitched
reeds, and vice versa. I realize that they were probably just for
show, but is this the correct orientation?
Todd Augsburger