Sam Harris (MMD 981125) wondered about a Duo-Art Piano Registry. There
is already such information in the AMICA and Player Piano Group member-
ship instrument directories (and others, no doubt). I'm not sure of
the worth of doing it all again. It's probably best to record such
data under the aegis of well-known enthusiast organisations.
From the practical viewpoint, seeing that I've just finished putting
the 1998 mods into the PPG list, the difficulty of such lists is
keeping them up to date as instruments change hands, and massaging the
remarkably diverse answers to the (I thought) clearly stated questions
so that they fit into the database!
The nightmare this year was working out which instruments were
re-registrations of ones already in the list (which we'd explicitly
asked members not to do), and risking offending someone by not listing
their two identical instruments!
The takeup of the listing has been interesting. Year one, we had
perhaps one third of members giving details. Year two, after a list
was circulated, another third of members gave details. There really is
interest in such listings. I like them, if just to show the relative
spread of models.
Julian Dyer