Ken Northfield wrote in MMD 981130 about his Troll & Baker music box.
According to Mr. Jaap Witteloostuyn in his book, "Music from Pins and
Holes", Mr. George Baker and Samuel Troll made music boxes in Geneva
from at least 1873 onward. They were merely bigger "top of the bill"
models, like the "Full Orchestra Music Box", a model you seem to have.
Parts of the boxes may have stamps "SBI"; that stands for Billon and
Haller, a firm that made parts for music boxes. The Dutch Museum in
Utrecht, "From Musical Clock to Street Organ", possesses an identical
or very similar instrument. They might be able to help you with more
details, and an indication of the world value. You can reach them by
Good luck!
Hans van Oost, Kring van Draaiorgelvrienden, Netherlands