I am curious about one aspect of Martha Stewart's adventures with her
old Steinway. One statement in the program summary on the Internet
suggests that the piano was a player, probably a Duo-Art, from the
date given.
Since she sent the piano to Steinway's rebuilding shop, money must be
no object, but nothing was said, unless I missed something, about
restoration of the player.
Steinway's shop, at least up until a few years ago, did not do player
restoration, and in fact usually gutted the Duo-Arts they worked on.
Does any one of our professional rebuilders know if anyone has been
contacted about that part of the work, or if the Stewart organization
has been solicited about doing it?
It would be a shame if the finished piano, which surely will be
featured on a future 'Martha Stewart Living' segment, could not be
shown playing some impressive Duo-Art selections. We need all the
publicity we can get.
Richard Vance