This isn't an original thought, but the following quoted message, and
others like it occasionally posted to MMD, points to the need for an MMD
FAQ [Frequently Asked Questions]:
> From: (Ruth Loveall)(fwd)
> ...
> I am trying to obtain information on Aeolian player pianos.
> Do you know where I can get information regarding these pianos --
> availability today, approximate price, etc.
I suppose the problem is finding someone with the time to draft an FAQ
and submit it to critique by MMD'ers. But therein lies an opportunity to
connect lay people to AMICA and MBSI as well as MMD and experts in the
various compartments of the hobby, such as music boxes, players,
reproducers, organs, restoration, preservation, music arranging, etc.
Matthew Caulfield
[ I wrote and suggested that Ms. Loveall visit John Tuttle's site --
[ -- which is especially attuned (!) to
[ player pianos. But you're right, we should have a FAQ page at MMD
[ with answers to the usual questions ("How much is my antique worth?")
[ and links to other venues. We'll be happy to post it at the MMD web
[ site; any volunteers? :) -- Robbie