This may not help people who are looking for Thorens music box parts,
but replacement governors for Reuge movements can be obtained from :
Box 12700
Scottsdale, AZ 85267
tel: 1-800-558-1520
Although most of my experience with these small movements (__up to 36
teeth_) has been in cuckoo clocks, I have used the replacements in many
_wind-up_ types used in novelty items.
With some modification of the mounting holes they can be adapted to fit
Sankyo movements as well. Just check to see that the governor assembly
is screwed on and not riveted to the bed plate.
They list three sizes in their current catalog, and give discounts for
quantity orders:
No. 14496...18 tooth...$4.50
No. 14495...28 tooth...$5.00
No. 17685...36 tooth...$5.25.
The usual problem with these movements is that the plastic worm gear
splits and the shaft it is mounted on just spins without the fly
There are other clock suppliers that handle these; the TimeSavers
catalog just happened to be the first one I picked up.
Ed Gaida