Jody said I should introduce myself. I do pneumatic player
rebuilding, upright piano rebuilding, and reed organ rebuilding.
I also do PianoDisc installation and repair for several dealers
and replace Steinway brass action rails for other technicians.
I started piano work in 1969 and worked part time at piano work
until I quit farming in 1994 when I turned to full time piano work.
While farming I operated the family farm in East Central Illinois.
We had 800 acres of corn and soybeans. I built several of my own
farm implements including a 52-foot field cultivator. Mine is a
one-person shop that is located on the farm and I do help out on
the farm some at the busy time of the year. I am a mechanic not
a musician!
John Dewey
[ Ever since I met him in 1984, John has been reliable source of advice
[ and encouragement. He was one of the first persons to humor me in
[ my interest in reading rolls into the computer, and helped me to get
[ my first spool frame for that purpose. When I started reading rolls
[ optically, he suggested we build a vacuum table in his longest farm
[ building to lay damaged rolls upon. Damaged, fragile rolls could
[ be repaired while rolled out (perhaps 50 or more feet at a time),
[ and then scanned with a scanner that straddled the roll and rode
[ down an angle-iron track. Now that John is more-or-less retired
[ from farming I hope that this project eventually happens.
[ John has used computers actively in farming since 1982, when
[ he bought his first Apple 2+ so that he could use the Visi-Calc
[ spreadsheet to predict and optimize farm profits. Being generous
[ with his time, he ran workshops at the local library to teach other
[ farmers in the area how to use the computer as a business tool.
[ I always figured that if he got on-line he'd share rebuilding ideas
[ with us. After years of nagging, I'm delighted to see John finally
[ get on-line and join us. -- Jody