As previously mentioned, there will be no Digests transmitted
between Monday 28-Sep-98 and Sunday 04-Oct-98. Many MMD
subscribers have sent kind notes of understanding. Thanks.
A few have expressed concern for their "withdrawal symptoms"
while I'm gone. I have a possible solution for that problem:
Vist the MMD Archives !
This would be a great time to spend some time getting to know
what's on the MMD Website. The MMD Archives are up to date
and should provide a great deal of entertainment to those
of you who have a Web browser. The URL is:
The MMD Links page will take you to dozens of other sites
related to mechanical music:
This might also be a good time to learn how to use other
features of your computer or to get your computer upgraded.
Can you play the MIDI and RealAudio files we keep providing
pointers to ? There's some new material from Matthew Caulfield
Do you have a scanner ? If so, do you know how to scan a photo and
attach it to an e-mail message ? Some good examples are located
Robbie and I hope in the future to be able to take better
advantage of the 'Net as a medium for distributing the MMD as
a multimedia publication. We won't stop publishing the e-mail
version, but we expect to have more and more goodies sent in by
our subscribers and only those subscribers that know how to
use their Web Browser will be able to enjoy in the sharing of all
the goodies. If you don't know how to use your Web Browser to do
these things, or if you don't have a Web Browser, its time to do
some homework.
Looking forward to hearing what some of you discover in my absence.