Ingmar Krause dropped lots of lines in 980910 MMDigest about his
performing in Vienna at Memusi'98.
Sorry, Ingmar, actually I do not have the time to do what I really want
to do: to present the pictures as a web page for all the folks at MMD
and others too. So please wait a while for that thing, assumed Jody
Kravitz will allow the necessary space on his server.
Also, to satisfy your curiosity there are two more pictures, one
showing Christian Wittmann performing a piece of his own arrangement on
the barrel organ of Dr. Karlheinz Klimt, a Raffin/Ueberlingen with 135
pipes and 6 registers. Dr. Klimt says about his kind of music-making:
"Drehorgelmusik ist immer Musik mit Augenzwinkern. Trotzdem:
man kann leiern, drehen oder interpretieren, wenn man's kann!"
"Music from barrel organs is always music with a wink. Nevertheless:
some can drone through, revolve or perform, if you can!"
Claus Kucher
[ Jody has already created a workspace and we'll get to work right away
[ on the images. Keep your eye on
[ Thanks, Claus ! :) -- Robbie