I just read in the Philadelphia Inquirer (Sept. 10, '98) that Baldwin
Piano has created an electronic player option for their grand pianos
called ConcertMaster. This is news to me and thought I'd throw this
one out to the MMD for any info that might be out there about it.
Anyone know anything about it?
They mention electric solenoids and 127 levels of response in the
short blurb. Sounds familiar.
Larry Toto
[ See the Baldwin ConcertMaster(tm) web page at
[ http://www.baldwinpiano.com/products/current/concertmaster.htm
[ Also, in MMDigest 980714 Terry Smythe related a news article which
[ said, "Baldwin, QRS Team Up on Computer-Controlled Piano."
[ MIDI files handle up to 127 different velocity levels, which is a
[ 30-decibel dynamic range that only synthesizers realize. Pneumatic
[ reproducing pianos utilize only about 50 of the possible levels
[ (12 decibels), and most solenoid pianos even less. Note that this
[ is the dynamic range of only one note; playing chords makes the
[ total sound range much greater. -- Robbie