Dear MMDians, Well, not only have I just returned to the Net after a
grueling 48+ hours of moving, but I have finally achieved an interest
of 20 orders! This means that I will contact the Malones to get the
go ahead on the CDs. I will need to have at least 20 pre-orders filled
before I burn the CDs though. When the deal is done, I will post my
"snail mail" address so that you can send in your checks.
I've heard a lot of interest in the Wurlitzer fox-trots and rags. Well,
I too have found interest in this music after having heard such 165
tunes as "Lights out Sweetheart" and the like. So if all goes accord-
ing to plan, there will be more CDs of the 165 with different music. It
all depends on whatever demand is out there, though. I will try to keep
up with the MMD, but things will be just a tad difficult for me as the
classes and homework start piling up. More later!
Warmest regards,
Marc Elbasani
P.S. Question to Matt Caulfield and all ya guys: B.A.B. rolls had
tunes repeating every now and then. Is it true that on Wurlitzer rolls
I will not find any marches or waltzes on two different rolls?