Hi everyone, I'm not sure how popular Mastertouch rolls are overseas,
but being Australian made they, along with Broadway, make up the bulk
of the rolls found in New Zealand. I thought there might be some
interest in seeing photographs of their two main artists, Laurel and
Edith Pardey (Edith later became Edith Murn). Therefore I'm attaching
two small JPEG images of them sent to me by Jill Miller.
Edith was probably the most prolific female roll artist in history.
Originally she made hand played rolls (many duets with her sister or
the other major Mastertouch artist, Lettie Keyes). When Laurel had a
nervous breakdown and the recording machinery fell into disrepair,
Edith continued making rolls using the graph paper method.
Also, I'm still looking for any information at all about 'Celeste-Art'
Robert Perry