Just to further the story on the Titanic Welte a little. You can see a
photo of the exact Model 4 style that was supposedly built to go on the
Titanic, and Mr. Welte was reportedly to accompany the organ on the
initial voyage, so the story goes, and of course when the organ didn't
go neither did Mr. Welte.
In any event, I have known for some time of three extant examples of
this organ. One that Jerry Doring owned for quite awhile, and went to
an auctioneer in Europe, and then was sold. One that went to a museum
in Germany. And the third is in our collection and has been for 15
years or so since we bought it from a museum in Pennsylvania (it
reportedly came from a Packard summer residence in Michigan).
I know that Jasper Sanfilippo recently added one of these to his
collection, I'm not sure which of the other two examples he bought.
I have also heard rumors that a reproduction is being built, or perhaps
built around what was once a built-in (e.g. no case) Welte.
Marty Roenigk
[ MMDer Wolfgang Brommer is compiling a list of the locations and
[ serial numbers of organs and orchestrions built in Freiberg and
[ Waldkirch. I'm sure he would enjoy receiving more information
[ about all the "Titanic" organs. -- Robbie