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MMD > Archives > August 1998 > 1998.08.17 > 11Prev  Next

Another 1812 Overture
By Bob and Sonja Lemon

We have been reading with great interest all the comments on the
1812 Overture or parody.

We have a very old music book.  The first piece in the book is a
title sheet with the following information:

 [ View this with a monospace font, such as Courier.  -- Robbie ]


Glorious Victory


                                   on the Ever
Memorable 22d of July 1812

for the

Piano Forte,
Accompaniments, ad libitum for a
& Violoncello,
                               Composed & most
Gratefully Inscribed
                                       (To the
Most Noble)
                              General the Duke
of Wellington,
                                 & his Brave &
Gallant Warriors;

London,                     Price w.Accompt 5/:


Published by Goulding,  D'Almaine,Potter & Co, 20, Soho Square, & to be
had at 7, Westmorland St. Dublin

There is no way to do justice to the beautiful calligraphy of this
page.  The book is 9 1/2" x 12 3/4" in size.

The music starts on page 1 as a March. Maestoso.

Pg 2 -  Bugle Call, July 15th, Marmont's Army moving & concentrating
between Toro & San Roman.  (Andante), passing the Douro at Toro; Duke
Wellington moves the Allies to concentrate on the Guarana.  Quick
March, drums & fifes.

Pg 3,  Band, 4th & light Divisions of Infantry & c. and Major General
Anson's brigade of Cavalry marching to Castrejon; Da Capo Drums &
Fifes.  Slow March.

Pg 4,   Allegro, The enemy commences the Attack at Castrejon;
(bayonets); Major General Alten's Cavalry supported by the 3d Dragoons
engaged with Enemy's Cavalry; Close attack with Broad Swords.

Pg 5,  The French General Carrier taken; Lt. Gen: Cole attacks the
Enemy's Infantry & takes 240 Prisoners.

Pg 6  (Andantino); Marmont maneuvres towards Babilafuente & Villamela;
Marmont extends his line to his Left and Duke Wellington commences The
Grand & ever Memorable Attack of the 22d July 1812 (Largo); Circulation
of Orders of the Officers commanding different Brigades, (Cannon).

Pg 7 -10  (Con Furia) (lots of cannons).

Pg 11,  The British & Allied Troops after taking care of the Wounded &
Prisoners,  March into Salamanca with their Hero at their Head, (Quick

Pg 12,  (Adagio) Groans of the Wounded in the Streets & Hospitals;
(Bugle call); God save the King.

Pg 13 & 14, (Finale)  The Glorious News arrives in England; (Park &
Tower Guns) (Allegro) (Illuminations), and finally Rockets ad lib.

We're posting this so the musicologists can research it!  Spelling in
the description is as it appears in musical score.

Bob & Sonja Lemon
Sacramento, CA

(Message sent Mon 17 Aug 1998, 18:37:25 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  1812, Another, Overture

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