I'm almost certain that the recording was of Ludwig van
Beethoven's "Wellingtons Sieg, oder die Schlacht bei Vittoria".
[ "Wellington's Victory, or the Battle at Vittoria" ]
This pompous piece of music was originally written to be played by a
mechanical organ, called "Panharmonicon" and built by Mr. Maelzel, the
man who claimed to have invented the metronome. (This little machine,
used by almost all musicians since 1800, was actually invented in the
Netherlands by Dioedrich Nikolaus Winkel from Amsterdam.)
I am sure that this piece of music is available all over the USA on CD.
If you check it out and I am right or wrong, please E-mail again.
Regards from the Netherlands (summer here, at last!)
Hans van Oost,
Gen. Secretary Kring van Draaiorgelvrienden
[ My old musical dictionary of 1895 says that the marking 'M.M.'
[ "stands for 'Maelzel's Metronome' after its reputed inventor,
[ Maelzel of Vienna (1816)." But the truth is known: a later
[ book I read somewhere said that the metronome was developed
[ by a Dutch clockmaker. -- Robbie