Re: 980801 MMDigest
Rick Cooley asked about a set of Deagan chimes. I have 3 sets of Deagan
'chimes'. They are all are played by air pressure pneumatics with
electric valves.
1 - a set of about 21 chrome plated brass tubes about 2 to 6 feet long
and 1 1/2 " diameter that hang on a rack
2 - a set of 49 chrome plated metal xylophone bars in 2 groups (24+25)
played with felt covered wooden strikers
3 - a set of 49 wooden (rosewood goncala alves) xylophone bars (24+25)
played with wooden strickers.
Not sure which ones he meant???? but I could be talked out of # 1 and #3
for an interesting trade or a reasonable green offer.
Craig Smith