As I had been absent for some time from contributing to MMD, I never
found out if MITA or anyone was making available schematics and book
availability lists on some electronic organs.
We have an important restoration job and I badly need the loan of or a
direction to the schematics for a three manual Conn 650 (not the 651,
2, or 3). We're getting problems in this early percussion section, and
the rest is just fine, but no references or manuals, or schematics seem
to be available.
Has MITA put up a library for rent or sale on these items? We have
been able to put "second touch" in on the accompaniment and pedal for
it, and are about to change the contacts to gold where the years have
taken their toll on some of the solo key contacts.
Incidentally, thanks very much to those of you who picked up some of
those 88 note rolls, and also purchased the Rodgers 320, the Seeburg A
nickelodeon, and the Armstrong (Aeolian ) player upright. I do hope
you enjoy it.
Will look forward to hearing from someone on the Conn 650 book and
schematics, and thanks again for any assistance.
Bill Ryan