Just a quick request for information on the Kimball Artist spinet,
the 88-note player piano, spinet height 37", with the electric
horizontal player action recessed under the left side of the top cover.
It is not the most common player piano around and I need a drive motor
for it. Does anyone have one in the spare parts division, or have an
address where the tiny motor can be located?
This is the only thing that has to be replaced on this little fellow
and it is the only player that I am going to keep in my own home, as
it plays also from my 3-manual Conn. Drop a note, and of course, if
the answer is of general interest, do post it here. Thanks to all of
you, and to anyone who can help on it. It is a small part and a small
problem that I sure is only a replacement and solder-it-in repair.
Bill Ryan, The Backroom Piano