Hi All, Perhaps my understanding of exactly how the PowerRoll system
works is incorrect.
I was under the impression that it is a device that is placed over the
tracker bar of a normal pneumatic player piano. The signals which
trigger the air valves that open and close the holes in the tracker bar
come from an interface which reads floppy discs. So 'the music' is
stored on floppies. Am I on the right track here?
And why this reference: "If this possibility really worries you,
I would suggest hermetic refuge from the world except, perhaps, for
a subscription to a survivalist magazine."
Do you really think I live under a tree or in some shack in the woods?
Why are all of the people involved in electronic players so quick to
become defensive and resort to vague insults to make a point? (Harsh
words indicate a weak cause.)
Personally, I could care less what happens in the world of electronic
players ... I'd never buy one. I just feel sorry for the people who
spend their hard-earned money on a unit that becomes almost impossible
to fix after such a relatively short period of time.
John A. Tuttle