Hi Group, I have been looking for reports from those who attended the
AMICA Convention. I saw an article on the Pumper Contest.
I am very interested in buying a Broadmoore PowerRoll unit and Wayne
Stahnke's Ampico CD-ROM. I would like to hear from anyone that saw
the PowerRoll unit perform at the convention.
My concern is that this is a "state of the art" unit. The person that
upgrades our student information system at work defines "state of the
art" as: "it means that all of the bugs haven't been worked out yet."
I would very much like to have a PowerRoll unit if the bugs have been
worked out.
Jack M. Conway, Los Angeles, California, USA
[ The student's definition is correct for complicated software;
[ Microsoft will be working on the bugs in Windows 98 for quite
[ a while! (Gotta keep those programmers employed!) It's much
[ easier _finding_ the problems in hardware, but it often takes
[ awhile before improvements get into production. Prototypes of
[ the PowerRoll are now being demonstrated, and Larry is working
[ feverishly to correct problems which appear during these demon-
[ strations. So the reports from the AMICA showing will be very
[ important: both Larry and his potential customers will know
[ what's working well and what isn't. I hope we hear from the
[ convention attendees soon. -- Robbie