It's often difficult to find the right translation for a musical term.
Robbie was suggesting to build a database for that. I could tell him
that such a database, or better, a book, called "Practical Vocabulary
of Music" does exist.
I contacted the publisher last year, and was informed that it was to be
reprinted by spring this year. Last month I phoned with this company,
and a nice lady told me that she could ship a copy at once.
I asked her to do so, and I got it rather quickly. Amazing: it's from
the 1994 edition! It looks like not being informed correctly last year.
The book, by Robbert Braccini, gives almost 4000 terms, and their
translation, in Italian, English, German and French. Of course it's not
difficult to find missing words, but in general the book is well worth
the money.
It cost me, including shipping and payment-cost, about DM 45.00, or
some US$ 25.00. You can order it directly from:
Verlag Erwin Bochinsky
Muenchener Strasse 45
D-60329 Frankfurt a. Main
Fax: (0)69 23 33 01
They are on the Internet as well. If I can be at help by ordering
and forwarding a copy for a MMD-member, just mail me, and it will be
Jan Kijlstra