Here's the MIDI layout I use for the Coinola and Cremona emulations.
Lay it out like this and it could be cut by Custom Music Rolls. Tube
it like this and it could play an O-roll transcription.
The MIDI numbers are those used by CAKEWALK.
[ MIDI note 60 is Middle C, as defined in the MIDI Specification,
[ thus it will be the same number in every MIDI file. Not so for
[ the note names! -- Robbie
19. Forward to play
20. Unused on 90-hole tracker bar.
21. Timpani low
22. Bass drum
23. Timpani hi
24. Wood Block
25. Snare Tap
26. Snare Roll
27. Triangle
28. Piano sustain
29. Off Piano Soft
30. On Piano Soft
31. Off mandolin
32. On mandolin
33. Pipes on
34. On Xylophone
35. Soft drum expression
36. Loud drum expression
37. Xylophone off
38. Shut off
39. Pipes off
40-81. Chromatic scale E to A
82-105. Solo Section A# to A
106. Tambourine
107. Crescendo
108. Crash Cymbal
109. Unused on 90 hole tracker bar.
110. Rewind
The Coinola chromatic sections (accomp. and solo) play at pitch, with
no transposition. Cremona (below) involves a transposition.
Here's Cremona:
17. Counter for selector
18. (BLANK)
19. play
20. Selector Play
21. shutoff
22. (blank)
23. Hammer rail up
24. Hammer rail down
25. Triangle
26. Low vacuum
27. Normal vacuum
28. Snare drum
29. Xylophone on
30. Xylophone off
31. Left Timpani
32. Bass Drum
33. Timpani
34. Violin on
35. Violin off
36. Flute On
37. Flute Off
38. Off Hi Piano*
39. On Hi Piano*
40. Mandolin on
41. Mandolin off
42. Sustain pedal
43. Tambourine
44. Castanets
45-108. Chromatic A to A (transposed one octave lower)**
109. Fast Forward
110. rewind
111. (blank)
112. shutoff
* The solo instruments double the piano from the high A down 32 notes.
The same range of the piano can be shut off to allow the solo
instruments to really play "solo".
** In other words, you'd tube the trackerbar ("midibar") to sound
an octave lower.
George Bogatko -