With the controversy over a full "B" and half "B", I'm curious which my
Knabe grand has. Is there anyway a non-tech -- me -- can check his
piano to see. A possible clue: It has a control lever underneath on
the right side at the curve, that varies the volume.
Thanks, Jim Moore
[ My old-style (cheap) stack had push-rods, tipped with graphited
[ dowels, which went directly from the pneumatics through a stationary
[ guide to the piano action. In the proper 1929 stack there is a
[ collar on the push rod which rests upon the guide, and the guide
[ moves with the soft pedal command, to reduce the lost motion at the
[ pneumatics when the keys dip.
[ The other deviation from the 1929 standard in my piano was that the
[ curtain valve regulators were separate units, instead of being glued
[ on the top of the stack. -- Robbie