> From: Jane Schulman c/o Marty Rice [mailto:mhrice@erols.com]
> To: bobf@ilx.com
> Sent: Thursday, July 09, 1998 12:59 AM
> I am trying to locate a harmonic teapot like one that my aunt bought
> many years ago in a museum gift shop. I would really appreciate it
> if you could help me with this. Thank you very much.
> Jane Schulman c/o mhrice@dclink.com
Jane, where'd you find me -- Mechanical Music Digest, perhaps?
My teapot is the T42, which plays Tea for Two. The manufacturer is
no longer in business. I'm not sure if this is what you mean by a
harmonic teapot, but mine is stainless steel with a black plastic
mechanism that goes down into the teapot when you want to fill the
teapot or dispense water. Normally, the mechanism completely blocks
the opening and steam drives the whistles in the mechanism.
I don't know where you might find this item, if it's what you seek.
I will forward this to the Mechanical Music Digest and perhaps another
reader will be able to help you. If you're looking for something else,
please send a description directly to the digest (rollreq@foxtail.com).
Bob Fitterman