--- forwarded message, please reply to sender and MMD ---
Hi! A few weeks ago I wrote an mail to the MMD, asking for
informations about my Steck piano. In the meantime I have made
some photos of this piano. You can see them on:
The length is 1.57m (keyboard included!). The width is 1.48m.
The height is 1m (resonance box included!). The height of the
resonance box is 0.4m.
I hope somebody can tell me more about this piano (story, age, value,
demand, etc.).
Thanks a lot for your helpfulness!
Best regards,
Christian Steinzer <csteinze@frequentis.com>
Ing. Christian Steinzer
Computer Aided Design - FREQUENTIS
A-1120 Wien, Spittelbreitengasse 34
Tel. +43/1/8100606-327, Fax -299