There are a two popular pieces with this title which I found
at a quick glance:
Meyerbeer, Giacomo 1791-1864
From the Opera: Dinorah, ou le Pardon de Ploermel (Dinorah, oder die
Wallfahrt nach Ploermel - Dinorah, Or The Pardon of Ploermel) [1859],
Schattentanz (Dance Of The Shadows).
MacDowell, Edward Alex. 1861-1908
Shadow Dance (Schattentanz) fis-Moll Op.39, 8.
There might be other titles with the same name not in my data base.
Gerhard Dangel-Reese
Augustiner Museum, Freiburg
[ A possibility is a song adaptation from "Ballet des Ombres Heuereses",
[ by Gluck (or Glueck); also a similar title by Berlioz. -- Robbie