[ This message from Garry Rasmussen was forwarded to us by
[ Larry Broadmore
The PowerRoll, the electronic player piano roll developed by Larry
Broadmoore of Broadmoore Research Corporation, will be demonstrated by
appointment at the AMICA convention in Niagara Falls, by me, Gary
Rasmussen. The convention is July 8 to 12, 1998 at the Skyline Brock
Hotel in Niagara Falls, Canada.
For more information on the convention, see AMICA's website at:
More information on the PowerRoll is available at:
The equipment available at the convention will be the PowerRoll - Tracker
Bar Interface (TBI) version, and a stand alone disk drive unit, complete
with remote control. Also, the PowerRoll will be demonstrated played
by a notebook computer.
There will be several instruments available at the convention on which to
play the PowerRoll, and I will be available at 'The Mart' to answer any
questions. There are not expected to be any instruments available for
demonstration at 'The Mart,'however.
To make an appointment to see the PowerRoll, please contact me, Gary
Rasmussen at the convention. I will be staying at the convention hotel,
the Skyline Brock.
For any other questions prior to the convention, please contact:
Larry Broadmoore at: larrybr3@loop.com
as I will be vacationing on the way to the convention and will not have
access to 'the net' until after the convention.
Gary Rasmussen
Mason, Ohio (Cincinnati area)
[ I hope many of you get to see Larry's product. I've seen it
[ disassembled and its quite an engineering accomplishment. I've
[ also heard it on one of Mike Ames' Ampicos and it worked quite
[ well. It appears that Wayne Stahnke is going to make his entire
[ library of Ampico roll transcriptions available to Larry's customers
[ which may be all the library that some customers want. Since the
[ piano does not need to be modified in any way, its my hope that
[ the PowerRoll will be accepted by the collecting community as
[ a good thing. Its widespread acceptance would undoubtedly spur
[ others to prepare more material in Ampico format and perhaps
[ push some people to have their pianos restored because there's
[ more material for them to play. I'm excited and hopeful about
[ this possiblity. --Jody