'Taj Mahal' at Craig Robson Museum in Sydney
By Ian McDonald
Just returned from a trip to Sydney and a visit to some of my
mechanical music collector friends, including Denis Condon, who has
one of the largest collections of reproducing rolls.
It was great to catch up with Craig Robson and his Antique Mechanical
Music Museum -- one of the most significant collections of book organs
now that he has added the 'Tag Mahal' to his collection.
He has 2 Dutch street organs: 'Amsterdam' and the 'Klock"; 2 carousels
and organs, one a 89-key Gavioli; 1 Gavioli military band organ;
1 Decap jazz dance organ; 1 three-figure robot organ; reproducing
pianos and music boxes, including the 'Scotsman' showman's traction
steam engine.
The 'Tag Mahal' has not long arrived so it is not fully set up yet,
I was the first person that Craig had played it for -- Wow!!!
His Museum is open to the public by appointment:
Antique Mechanical Music Museum
338 Botany Road
Sydney NSW 2015
Telephone 02 9319 6666
Ian McDonald
(Message sent Mon 1 Jun 1998, 11:38:40 GMT, from time zone GMT+1000.) |