I had a feeling I should see the lobby of a bed and breakfast I passed by
yesterday. My feeling paid off!
I found a Welte - Mignon upright. Bush & Lane, serial number 50542. It
is in totally original condition, with everything in place, just as it
came from the factory, except someone put new hammers and dampers on it.
It was sickeningly out of tune, however. There was a standard 88-note
roll played halfway through in the spool box. I tried to run the piano,
but nothing happened.
I need to tell the owners (who weren't present at my visit) how much it's
worth, its age, and why they must have it restored. I'm afraid they may
not know what they have. I can't have them thinking this is a regular
old player piano.
Their e-mail is: stonehousebb@juno.com.
Damon Atchison