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MMD > Archives > May 1998 > 1998.05.23 > 05Prev  Next

Player-Piano Chat Room on
By Andy Taylor

Hi Gang:

 The player-piano chat room at our web site turned out to be unreliable.
Some people could not log on or once logged on would get "bumped'.

I registered the Channel with which is more reliable. I
chose Starlink because of their strict (and enforced) rules regarding
their "no sex rooms" policy. This makes for a clean and pleasant
environment to talk.

For all of you who have Supported the channel, making it possible to
register it, please accept my thanks.

To access the Channel, you will need a Internet chat client such as
mIRC or Pirch.  If you have been in the Pianotech room before, you
already have it.  You may download the software at

Once installed you can list the channels. if all else fails try typing
the following command in the text box.

    /join #player-piano

I am shooting for Sunday and Monday nights, at 8pm CST however I seem
to be in there just about every night getting things set up!

On Tuesday and Thursday nights please drop by and visit Rev John and the
gang at #pianotech.  I.E.

    /join #pianotech

Please note that in some chat clients there is another" Starlink" which
is the wrong one. If you see @Mars in the channels, (our friendly Bot)
you are on the right server.

    StarLink Server List              Ports
    Aspen.CO.US.StarLink.Org          6667
    Denver.CO.US.StarLink.Org         6667
    Durham.NC.US.StarLink.Org         6660-6669, 7000, 7777
    Durham-R.NC.US.StarLink.Org       (No Ports Available)
    Glen.VC.AU.StarLink.Org           6667
    NewYork.NY.US.StarLink.Org        6660-6669, 7000
    Pittsburg.PA.US.StarLink.Org      6661-6675, 7000
    RockHill.SC.US.StarLink.Org       6660-6669, 7000
    San-Francisco.CA.US.StarLink.Org  6660-6669, 7000, 8888
    Washington-R.DC.US.StarLink.Org   (No Ports Available)                     6667
    WitchitaFalls.TX.US.StarLink.Org  6666,6667

I encourage everyone to drop by. there are discussions for rebuilding
various player actions, discussions on reproducers, Piano MIDI file
trading, and roll arranging/music discussions.

See you there!

Best Regards
Andy & Chris Taylor
Tempola Music Rolls

(Message sent Sat 23 May 1998, 16:23:22 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Chat, Player-Piano, Room,

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